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Life With Herpes

Oct 17, 2018

Life With Herpes

Herpes jokes, are they funny?

Well yes, they can be funny but they’ve gone too far. It also is a time for us to reflect and think that there’re times when we say a funny joke or comment it can be offending someone even though it was never our intention.

We can use this...

Oct 17, 2018

Yes, I absolutely love where food and nutrition is moving. It’s moving from something to hold you over or a quick grab and go while on the run to choosing foods that will improve your health.  I love seeing other bloggers, influencers and healthy minded people make nutrition and health...

Oct 10, 2018

Hey there! Ok, I want to jump right in and talk about over the counter stuff that I personally use as well as some other stuff that members in our community use. Let’s get real. Outbreaks Suck! But also let’s be honest, there are other things in the world that are way worse so I’m not...

Oct 3, 2018

Life With Herpes

Do you get outbreaks when you travel? For me, it’s a pretty much guaranteed. I love to travel and it’s one of my passions but what I don’t like is waking up the next morning in a new city that I can’t wait to explore and feel a herpes blister. It means that I have to...